Community Feedback

We want to hear from you on your priorities for Butte College. Please give us your feedback here.

Dear Friend,

As Butte College plans for its future, we need your input. Please take a few minutes to complete our Community Feedback Form and let us know your priorities for Butte College.

As the cost of attending California's public and private universities continues to rise, many students, families, and returning veterans rely on Butte College to provide a high quality education they may not otherwise receive.

However, many of our classrooms were built over 40 years ago. We need basic repairs and upgrades to facilities that provide educational programs and career training in growing, high paying fields like nursing, paramedic, and 911 emergency medical training, agriculture trades, early childhood education, law enforcement, welding, construction, engineering, and technology, among others.

We are engaging our local communities, faculty, and staff in a districtwide Community Conversation to seek perspectives regarding Butte College's needs. The most important input into this process comes from YOU! Please help us by clicking on the link to complete our Community Feedback Form today.

If you would like more information, please see our "Questions and Answers" below.


Samia Yaqub

Dr. Samia Yaqub
Interim President
Butte College